
Organizational Development & Behavior, Welcome to Abilene & Brave New World!

Resources: Syllabus, Jerry Harvey's Definition of Cheating, Class Lecture - Whiteboard Notes

Class Meeting Times: Tuesdays, 6-9:30 PM, 38-209

Live Online Access: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/sivanov (emergencies only), instructions

Student Support: Hany Makhlouf Academic Center for Student Support (38-114)

Office Hours: Before/after class, and by appointment (online, day, evenings, and weekends)

Course Readings:


The Abilene Paradox and Other Meditations on Management

ISBN: 0787902772, Jerry B. Harvey (in UDC Library on Reserve)

This book is given to students free of charge as a collection of articles.

Obedience to Authority, ISBN: 006131983X, Stanley Milgram (free on Google)

free downloadable PDF (in UDC Library on Reserve)

The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education, ISBN: 0911379053, W. Edwards Deming


Out of the Crisis, ISBN: 0262541157, W. E. Deming (in UDC Library on Reserve)

A Cry Unheard: New Insights into the Medical Consequences of Loneliness

ISBN: 1890862118, James J. Lynch (in UDC Library on Reserve)


The Broken Heart: The Medical Consequences of Loneliness, ISBN: 0465007694


The Principles of Scientific Management, ISBN: 0393003981, Frederick Taylor

On the Psychology of Military Incompetence, ISBN: 0712658890, Norman Dixon (in UDC Library on Reserve)

A General Theory of Bureaucracy, ISBN: 0435824783, Elliott Jaques

Organization, ISBN: 0140217606, Wilfred Brown

Swatting Flies and Telling Lies: Stories of a Mad Organizational Consultant, Jerry B. Harvey

Executive Leadership: A Practical Guide to Managing Complexity, ISBN: 0962107018, Elliott Jaques, Stephen D. Clement

It's All About Work: Organizing Your Company To Get Work Done

ISBN: 0988639602, Stephen D. Clement

Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, ISBN: 0140187650, Hannah Arendt

Escape from Freedom, ISBN: 0805031499, Erich Fromm

Our Own Worst Enemy, ISBN: 0708840388, Norman F. Dixon

How Come Every Time I Get Stabbed in the Back My Fingerprints Are on the Knife? And Other Meditations on Management, ISBN: 0787947873, Jerry Harvey

The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace, ISBN: 0684848589, M. Scott Peck

People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, ISBN: 0684848597, M. Scott Peck

Requisite Organization, ISBN: 1886436045, Elliott Jaques

Social Power and the CEO, ISBN: 1567205518, Elliott Jaques

Narcissistic Leaders: Who Succeeds and Who Fails, ISBN: 1422104141, Michael Maccoby

The Leaders We Need, ISBN: 1422101665, Michael Maccoby

Accountability Leadership: How to Strengthen Productivity Through Sound Managerial Leadership, ISBN: 1564145514, Gerald A. Kraines

The Prince, Nicolo Machiavelli (free on Google Books)

The Art of War, ISBN: 0195014766, Sun Tzu (author), Samuel Griffith (translator)

The Age of Fallibility, ISBN: 1586483595, George Soros

The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business, ISBN: 0674940520, Alfred D. Chandler Jr.

Relativity: The Special and the General Theory--A Clear Explanation that Anyone Can Understand, ISBN: 0517029618, Albert Einstein

Man's Search for Meaning, ISBN: 0807014273, Viktor E. Frankl

Unhealthy Societies: The Afflictions of Inequality, ISBN: 0415092353, Richard G. Wilkinson

The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today, ISBN: 1594204047, Thomas E. Ricks

Building Social Business: The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs, ISBN: 1586488244, Muhammad Yunus

Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100, ISBN: 0307473333, Michio Kaku

The Prophet, ISBN: 0394404289, Kahlil Gibran

[1] Dates and topics on the syllabus may change slightly to accommodate the class’ needs.

[2] UDC Academic Calendar: www.udc.edu/registrar/academic-calendars

[3] All assigned reading is due before class; for a complete required reading list, please visit the class’ website at www.SergeyIvanov.org (all articles are posted as PDF files on the class web site – italicized above).

[4] All movies used in class are mini-movies on a specific topic to encourage and enhance the class conversation.

Other Notes (Syllabus - page 3):

Instruction Method: Conversations[1] and Discussions, Group Exercises, Papers, and Projects

Attendance: is mandatory. University defines attendance as follows: www.sbpa.info/advising-registration/procedures-policies/university-policies

Definition of attendance-good class participation, and missed/unprepared class:

Good class participation (attendance) is defined as being visibly present during entire duration of the class, actively taking notes, and contributing (see technology expectations below). Coming to class not having read the required reading assignments, using a cellphone, or other electronic devices during class, as well as eating, talking, sleeping, leaving-returning, and other non-participative behaviors, is considered as one missed class, not earning the attendance-participation credit. Two 15-30 min late count as one missed class. Thirty or more minutes late count as one missed class.

Technology Expectations

Please turn off all electronic devices and put them away. The students must obtain a notebook for this class, and take notes by hand using a pen. The following commentary explains some of my reasoning to using this approach (click here to access the opinion).

Assignments: Papers 1, 2, and 3

Grading: 2017-2019 Course Catalog, The Graduate Grading System (p. 51)

Students who miss or are unprepared for four or more classes have to take exam 3 worth 25% of the final grade.

Therefore, -25 points, compensated with exam 3 worth 25+ points.

Optional Extra Credits:

Great Book Credit: Find a great book related to this class. Email the instructor the Amazon web link for approval. Having read this book, prepare a brief 5-min presentation to share the ideas you have learned with your classmates. A maximum of 5 extra credit points will be awarded based on the quality and substance of the presentation.

Discussion Credit: This credit is granted for good class participation. Students who miss two or less classes during the semester earn 15 credit points. If earned, the students may substitute this credit for exam 2, and only exam 2.

[1] The word conversation has a root in the word life, from Old French, conversation, or Latin, conversationem (nom. conversatio) "act of living with" ((2008). Conversation Definition. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/conversation: Dictionary.com).

Professor's Contact Information:

(202) 274-7040


Skype: sergeygw
